Everybody loves lists. So here's a list of horror movies that will make you act like a toddler or a super sensitive guy and cry.
5. 28 Days Later
Normally not in the typical Top 5 list but definitely a horror classic from our generation, 28 Days Later is seen as one of the best zombie movie made in years.
4. Frankenstein
The monster movie that started it all. Arguably the first famous western horror movie that inspired an entire genre. Besides, it's Frankenstein, nobody does Frankenstein anymore.
3. The Ring
Arguably the scariest movie made we've been alive to see in theaters. It introduced Japanese horror to the west and now people are totally afraid of 3D TV.
2. Psycho
A revolutionary film by a revolutionary man. Hitchcock changed the way horror was made and what we had to fear with his masterpiece. As well as the way we take showers.
1. The Exorcist
Did you see this coming? Probably. But it's not like the Exorcist has stopped being the scariest, creepiest, cringiest, and movie of all time. It's got everything. Creepy kids, evil spirits, psychos. And the special effects of almost 40 years ago still hold up to today's standards. Maybe not as shiny or glossy. But the Exorcist wasn't shiny or glossy. It was real. And it was scary.
5. 28 Days Later
Normally not in the typical Top 5 list but definitely a horror classic from our generation, 28 Days Later is seen as one of the best zombie movie made in years.
4. Frankenstein
The monster movie that started it all. Arguably the first famous western horror movie that inspired an entire genre. Besides, it's Frankenstein, nobody does Frankenstein anymore.
3. The Ring
Arguably the scariest movie made we've been alive to see in theaters. It introduced Japanese horror to the west and now people are totally afraid of 3D TV.
2. Psycho
A revolutionary film by a revolutionary man. Hitchcock changed the way horror was made and what we had to fear with his masterpiece. As well as the way we take showers.
1. The Exorcist
Did you see this coming? Probably. But it's not like the Exorcist has stopped being the scariest, creepiest, cringiest, and movie of all time. It's got everything. Creepy kids, evil spirits, psychos. And the special effects of almost 40 years ago still hold up to today's standards. Maybe not as shiny or glossy. But the Exorcist wasn't shiny or glossy. It was real. And it was scary.